About healthy posture while reading books or using mobile

While reading or using a mobile device, it is very important to maintain the correct posture and head level , to prevent strain and discomfort in your neck, shoulders, and back.

See few tips below:

  • Sit straight: Sit in a chair with your back aligned against the backrest, without hunching or slouching forward.

  • Head level: Keep your head in a neutral position. Do not tilt your head forward or downward for extended periods.

  • Shoulders: Allow your shoulders to relax and keep them down, avoiding tension or elevation.

  • Arms: Rest your arms on a table or armrest, if possible, to reduce strain on your neck and shoulders. Avoid holding your arms in mid-air for long periods.

  • Hold the device at eye level: When using a mobile device, hold it at eye level to reduce strain on your neck. Avoid constantly looking down or craning your neck forward.

  • Proper lighting: Ensure adequate lighting while reading or using your mobile device to reduce eye strain. Avoid reading in dimly lit environments or in direct glare.

  • Take breaks: Take regular breaks from prolonged periods of reading or using mobile device. Stand up, stretch, and move around to alleviate any tension or stiffness.

  • Use ergonomic accessories: Consider using ergonomic accessories such as a stand or holder for your mobile device, which can help maintain a more comfortable posture.

Developing good habits and being aware of your body positioning can help preventing discomfort and potential long-term issues associated with unhealthy reading postures

Easy Reading stand for continuous reading of books or mobile devices: